Friday, October 17, 2008

vote. vote. vote.

i watched the 4th debate in school last wednesday and can i just say the republicans run a very stinky campaign. seriously? john mccain was upset over a tshirt?! he also accused obama for having the most expensive campaign which i'm pretty sure it's not true coz we're moving to somebody's house for the canvassing headquarters and our sign is still a freaking cartolina. and as for the accusations of him being the terrorist, that is just way below the belt. barack did an awesome job. he answered all the questions while mccain is still pushing for spending freezes, nuclear power and off shore drilling. he probably wears fur too! and i also spoke to a couple of people at work and the mccain campaign has been calling and sending e-mails and some not so friendly, i hear.


it doesn't matter who you're voting for. just as long as you get on your ass and vote starting tomorrow! you had all these people throughout history like women in the 1920's and men of color in the 1960's who fought so hard for suffrage rights. i have so much respect for you if you registered and are actually voting. it doesn't matter who because as much as I look up to Obama, possibly in some weird way if johhn mccain wins i don't know maybe his policies will work. so really, it doesn't matter who just as long as you actually do it. but, don't vote the bandwagon, vote for the right reasons. vote for someone who you know has your best interests, vote for the candidate who you strongly believe in his policies.

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